Nov 01, 2024
Soybeans in Southwestern Goias Only 50% Planted
Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.
Rainfall has improved in the central Brazilian state of Goias, but farmers in the southwestern part of the state are still behind in their soybean planting. According to the director of the Rural Union of Rio Verde/GO, in the municipalities of Rio Verde, Jatai, Mineiros, and Montividiu, approximately 50% of the 2024/25 soybeans have been planted.
In a normal year, farmers in the region would be wrapping up their soybean planting by the end of October. A delayed start to the summer rainy season and irregular and light rain has led to a slow recovery of the soil moisture. Farmers were hesitant to plant their soybeans until there was enough soil moisture to guarantee germination and stand establishment.
The slow soybean planting has farmers concerned about a delay in planting their second crop of corn next January and February. The ideal planting window for safrinha corn in southwestern Goias closes about the third week of February and any corn planted after that date runs an increased risk of reduced yield due to the renewed onset of dry weather before the corn has a chance to mature.
This marks two years in a row in which the soybean planting in Goias has been delayed by dry weather. If the safrinha corn planting gets too delayed, farmers may opt to plant an alternative crop such as grain sorghum, sesame, sunflowers, or a cover crop.